Routes for line D14 in direction to Soroksár, Molnár-sziget

In opposite direction: D14 Csepel-Királyerdő

See the list of vehicles on this line

Merged route

Stop id Stop Station 1.
5147 Csepel-Királyerdő Csepel-Királyerdő 0.0 m
5466 Soroksár, Molnár-sziget Soroksár, Molnár-sziget 146.0 m


Service id From To Days Plus Minus
21663 20151224 20151224
  • 20151224
22637 20150930 20151231
  • 20150930
  • 20151001
  • 20151002
  • 20151005
  • 20151006
  • 20151007
  • 20151008
  • 20151009
  • 20151012
  • 20151013
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  • 20151020
  • 20151021
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  • 20151026
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  • 20151030
  • 20151102
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  • 20151104
  • 20151105
  • 20151106
  • 20151109
  • 20151110
  • 20151111
  • 20151112
  • 20151113
  • 20151116
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  • 20151118
  • 20151119
  • 20151120
  • 20151130
  • 20151201
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  • 20151217
  • 20151218
  • 20151221
  • 20151222
  • 20151223
  • 20151228
  • 20151229
  • 20151230
  • 20151231
22638 20151003 20160101
  • 20151003
  • 20151004
  • 20151010
  • 20151011
  • 20151017
  • 20151018
  • 20151023
  • 20151024
  • 20151025
  • 20151031
  • 20151101
  • 20151107
  • 20151108
  • 20151114
  • 20151115
  • 20151121
  • 20151122
  • 20151205
  • 20151206
  • 20151213
  • 20151219
  • 20151220
  • 20151225
  • 20151226
  • 20151227
  • 20160101
