Routes for line 136E in direction to Kőbánya-Kispest M

In opposite direction: 136E Fiatalság utca

See the list of vehicles on this line

Merged route

Stop id Stop Station 1.
4719 Fiatalság utca Fiatalság utca 0.0 m
4715 Barta Lajos utca Barta Lajos utca 291.0 m
4714 Kondor Béla sétány Kondor Béla sétány 555.0 m
4713 Vörösmarty Mihály utca Vörösmarty Mihály utca 762.0 m
4711 Dembinszky utca Dembinszky utca 1418.0 m
4706 Margó Tivadar utca Margó Tivadar utca 2047.0 m
4853 Árpád utca Árpád utca 3476.0 m
730 Kőbánya-Kispest M Kőbánya-Kispest M 5115.0 m


Service id From To Days Plus Minus
400 20180702 20180706
  • 20180702
  • 20180703
  • 20180704
  • 20180705
  • 20180706
2204 20180709 20180720
  • 20180709
  • 20180710
  • 20180711
  • 20180712
  • 20180713
  • 20180716
  • 20180717
  • 20180718
  • 20180719
  • 20180720
6530 20180723 20180810
  • 20180723
  • 20180724
  • 20180725
  • 20180726
  • 20180727
  • 20180730
  • 20180731
  • 20180801
  • 20180802
  • 20180803
  • 20180806
  • 20180807
  • 20180808
  • 20180809
  • 20180810
8272 20180813 20180817
  • 20180813
  • 20180814
  • 20180815
  • 20180816
  • 20180817
8881 20180820 20180820
  • 20180820
11110 20180903 20180927
  • 20180903
  • 20180904
  • 20180905
  • 20180906
  • 20180910
  • 20180911
  • 20180912
  • 20180913
  • 20180917
  • 20180918
  • 20180919
  • 20180920
  • 20180924
  • 20180925
  • 20180926
  • 20180927
11111 20180907 20180927
  • 20180907
  • 20180914
  • 20180921
11178 20180821 20180831
  • 20180821
  • 20180822
  • 20180823
  • 20180824
  • 20180827
  • 20180828
  • 20180829
  • 20180830
  • 20180831
11414 20180928 20180928
  • 20180928
12136 20180630 20180929
  • 20180630
  • 20180707
  • 20180714
  • 20180721
  • 20180728
  • 20180804
  • 20180811
  • 20180818
  • 20180825
  • 20180901
  • 20180908
  • 20180915
  • 20180922
  • 20180929
12295 20181013 20181013
  • 20181013
12302 20181001 20181025
  • 20181001
  • 20181002
  • 20181003
  • 20181004
  • 20181008
  • 20181009
  • 20181010
  • 20181011
  • 20181012
  • 20181015
  • 20181016
  • 20181017
  • 20181018
  • 20181024
  • 20181025
12303 20181005 20181026
  • 20181005
  • 20181019
  • 20181026
12359 20181029 20181031
  • 20181029
  • 20181030
  • 20181031
12382 20181006 20181027
  • 20181006
  • 20181020
  • 20181022
  • 20181027
12383 20181007 20181101
  • 20181007
  • 20181014
  • 20181021
  • 20181023
  • 20181028
  • 20181101
12462 20180701 20180930
  • 20180701
  • 20180708
  • 20180715
  • 20180722
  • 20180729
  • 20180805
  • 20180812
  • 20180819
  • 20180826
  • 20180902
  • 20180909
  • 20180916
  • 20180923
  • 20180930
11416 20180907 20180928
  • 20180907
  • 20180914
  • 20180921
  • 20180928
