Routes for line 260A in direction to Óbudai rendelőintézet

In opposite direction: 260A Kocsis Sándor út

See the list of vehicles on this line

Merged route

Stop id Stop Station 1.
42 Kocsis Sándor út Kocsis Sándor út 0.0 m
1924 Bóbita utca Bóbita utca 510.0 m
1911 ATI ATI 820.0 m
1853 Óbudai temető Óbudai temető 1473.0 m
1845 Kubik utca Kubik utca 1842.0 m
1820 Bojtár utca Bojtár utca (Bécsi út) 2133.0 m
1818 Orbán Balázs út Orbán Balázs út 2457.0 m
1956 Laborc utca Laborc utca 2945.0 m
1865 Bécsi út / Vörösvári út Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 3409.0 m
417 Óbudai rendelőintézet Óbudai rendelőintézet 3880.0 m


Service id From To Days Plus Minus
25 20180630 20180630
  • 20180630
28 20180701 20180701
  • 20180701
1081 20180702 20180712
  • 20180702
  • 20180703
  • 20180704
  • 20180705
  • 20180709
  • 20180710
  • 20180711
  • 20180712
1082 20180706 20180712
  • 20180706
8058 20180713 20180816
  • 20180713
  • 20180720
  • 20180727
  • 20180803
  • 20180810
8183 20180817 20180817
  • 20180817
8881 20180820 20180820
  • 20180820
8959 20180821 20180821
  • 20180821
9275 20180824 20180824
  • 20180824
9737 20180707 20180825
  • 20180707
  • 20180714
  • 20180721
  • 20180728
  • 20180804
  • 20180811
  • 20180818
  • 20180825
10153 20180708 20180826
  • 20180708
  • 20180715
  • 20180722
  • 20180729
  • 20180805
  • 20180812
  • 20180819
  • 20180826
10754 20180716 20180828
  • 20180716
  • 20180717
  • 20180718
  • 20180719
  • 20180723
  • 20180724
  • 20180725
  • 20180726
  • 20180730
  • 20180731
  • 20180801
  • 20180802
  • 20180806
  • 20180807
  • 20180808
  • 20180809
  • 20180813
  • 20180814
  • 20180815
  • 20180816
  • 20180822
  • 20180823
  • 20180827
  • 20180828
11139 20180831 20180831
  • 20180831
11192 20180829 20180830
  • 20180829
  • 20180830
11284 20180903 20180927
  • 20180903
  • 20180904
  • 20180905
  • 20180906
  • 20180917
  • 20180918
  • 20180919
  • 20180920
  • 20180924
  • 20180925
  • 20180926
  • 20180927
11285 20180907 20180927
  • 20180907
  • 20180921
11287 20180910 20180913
  • 20180910
  • 20180911
  • 20180912
  • 20180913
11288 20180914 20180914
  • 20180914
11414 20180928 20180928
  • 20180928
11608 20180901 20180928
  • 20180901
  • 20180908
  • 20180915
  • 20180922
11648 20180902 20180928
  • 20180902
  • 20180909
  • 20180916
  • 20180923
11987 20180929 20180929
  • 20180929
12292 20181029 20181030
  • 20181029
  • 20181030
12293 20181027 20181027
  • 20181027
12294 20181028 20181028
  • 20181028
12295 20181013 20181013
  • 20181013
12296 20181005 20181005
  • 20181005
12298 20181031 20181031
  • 20181031
12314 20181024 20181025
  • 20181024
  • 20181025
12322 20181026 20181026
  • 20181026
12323 20181015 20181018
  • 20181015
  • 20181016
  • 20181017
  • 20181018
12324 20181019 20181019
  • 20181019
12363 20181001 20181012
  • 20181001
  • 20181002
  • 20181003
  • 20181004
  • 20181008
  • 20181009
  • 20181010
  • 20181011
  • 20181012
12396 20180930 20181022
  • 20181006
  • 20181020
  • 20181022
12453 20180930 20181101
  • 20180930
  • 20181007
  • 20181014
  • 20181021
  • 20181023
  • 20181101


Óbudai rendelőintézet

Stop Distance (m)
1. Kocsis Sándor út 0.0
2. Bóbita utca 510.0
3. ATI 820.0
4. Óbudai temető 1473.0
5. Kubik utca 1842.0
6. Bojtár utca 2133.0
7. Orbán Balázs út 2457.0
8. Laborc utca 2945.0
9. Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 3409.0
10. Óbudai rendelőintézet 3880.0